Sadhana Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd incorporated as a Public limited company in 2074/02/31 under Company Act 2063. Sadhana has started its Financial operation from 2074/07/22 after getting the license from Nepal Rastra Bank to operate as a 'D' class National Level financial institution as per Bank and Financial Institution Act 2003.
Sadhana Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd has main objective is to provide Laghubitta service to the poor and needy families living in rural areas who are basically economically disadvantaged, and who are far from the access of banking services.
This Organization has aims to improve the quality of their family life and establish them in the society by providing loans to women and men who are living in rural areas of poor communities, especially on group base collateral. engaging them in productive work and empowering them to build a creative and self-reliant society and financially literate by investing small amount of loans on small enterprises, agricultural production, trade, business operation, goat rising, poultry farm and so on which has Main objectives of this organization.